I made a podcast in which I had compassionate, respectful political conversations with Trump voters, and was able to make some lovely personal connections in the process.
But none of it changed anything about their complete attachment to the lies that Trump and the conservative conspiracy theory machine have been pumping out for years. They believe in these lies with the passion and self-righteousness of religious fanatics, and trying to show them the mountains of evidence disproving their theories is always met with, "Oh you can't trust the media/the scientists/the Democrats/etc." No amount of compassionate, respectful discourse can change that. Believe me. I've tried. These people have such a fragile sense of their own value and identity that they are incapable of admitting when they're wrong, because that could up-end their entire sense of self.
The only thing that will allow progress is the continuation of the slow, steady tipping of the scales that we've seen in the last few hundred years. The people who view the world with a fear-based, scarcity mindset need to be more heavily in the minority. That's it.