My husband and I have a fantastically healthy, balanced relationship, and we say all of those things. But we also qualify them:
“If we broke up or god forbid, you died — please don’t die — I would totally move on and find love again, because I’m a whole human being and I would never put the burden of keeping me happy or the blame for making me sad on you. My happiness is my responsibility. BUT you’re perfect and I’m happier than I’ve ever been with you and I don’t know what I would do without you OHMYGODDONTDIE. But if you did, I know I would still do something with my remaining life, probably lots of things, good things, GREAT things even, because I know that’s what you’d want for me. To continue living and being happy without you. Oh man. You’re so perfect Iloveyousomuuuuuuuch.”
It’s all about the qualifiers. :)