The Silver Linings of a Pandemic

In dark times, our shared humanity illuminates a way forward.

Samia Mounts
6 min readMar 24, 2020

Human beings across the globe are living through the scariest ordeal most of us have ever faced. Aside from the fear of catching and spreading an aggressive, deadly virus, aside from the horror of the deaths we’ve seen already and those still to come, aside from the bleak predictions of what will happen should we continue on our current course — aside from all that, we are also dealing with loneliness, financial instability, job loss, crippling uncertainty, anxiety, and for many, depression.

My husband, Jonny, and I can’t stop talking about how lucky we are to be who we are and where we are in this moment. We recently relocated from New York City to Colorado Springs, where he’s been stationed as a guitarist in an Army jazz band. His job remains stable in spite of everything being canceled, and it pays all of our bills and most of our living expenses.

I’m a freelance singer, actor, and writer. If I were still in New York, I would be in major financial distress right now, probably unable to pay my rent, and sequestered in my apartment alone. My new life in the Mountain time zone is far less expensive, and my work was already almost all online. The work that wasn’t has been able to transition to the virtual world pretty smoothly.



Samia Mounts

LA-based actor, singer, writer, and producer. Polyamorous, pansexual, pangender, body-positive + sex-positive. Connect with me at